The cost per student runs $952.03. Parents or guardians may elect to pay outright, or make quarterly payments. The quarterly payments schedule is as follows:
- April 5 - $100 deposit per traveler
- July 5 - $200 per traveler
- Nov 5 - $200 per traveler
- Feb 5 - $200 per traveler
- April 5 – Final balance
The students may use the funds in their student accounts to cover the cost of the trip.
The RCHS Music Department will frequently hold fundraisers to help offset the cost for parents & guardians. We are, in fact, hosting a fundraiser at this very moment. Eighth grade students from St. Joe, RCMS, as well as RCHS bands & choir students are selling candy bars for $1. For every candy bar they sell, 50 cents goes into their student accounts. Each box earns the students $32 towards their student accounts.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to direct them to Mr. Jones at (618) 838-2191 ext 3137, or by email at [email protected].

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