Uniform: St. Joe or RCMS school shirts (blue/white or orange/black), jeans, and tennis shoes. Marching Tigers wear the uniform.
Equipment: Your instrument & flip folder
Music: provided by RCHS Bands to St. Joe & RCMS once names have been submitted
- Time-Out Tunes
- Holiday
- Your middle school time-out tunes!
5:00 pm.……….………….Call-time for all RCHS Marching Tigers members & change into uniform.
5:20 pm.………….……….Parents drop off 8th Grader students at the RCHS band room (RCHS entrance 21)
5:30 pm……………………Rehearse in the band room
6:20 pm........................Drumline joins the football team for warmup at the stadium
6:20 pm…………………..Set parade block and march to the stadium. 8th Grade band students in the back of the parade block.
6:50 pm……………………Pre-game (Star-Spangled Banner, School Song, followed by the tunnel)
7:00 pm……………………Game begins (stand-tunes & half-time show. 3rd quarter off for concessions)
Half-time Performance: The band will perform a selection of pep band tunes on the field.
9:20 pm……………………Estimated end to the football game
Please feel free to bring money for concessions. The band takes a break over the 3rd quarter.
Parent Pick-Up: Parents may meet their students outside the band room after the game.
Please feel free to contact me for any further questions. I may be reached at (618) 393-2191 ext. 3153, or at [email protected].