The Marching Tigers preseason camp is at the high school this year. The two-week marching band camp is scheduled for tomorrow, July 25th through to Friday, August 5th, from 8am-4pm every day except the day of Parent-Preview. Students will have Sunday, July 31st to rest and relax before we resume the second week of camp on August 1st. We conclude the two-week camp with Parent-Preview, a short performance for friends and family of what the students have been working on over the two week preseason camp. Parent-Preview starts at 6pm at RCHS on August 5th. The performance is free to the public.
We begin camp at RCHS with student-leadership only tomorrow at 7:50am. All other students need to be in the band room at 8am in their assigned seats. Instruments may be left in their assigned lockers.
Students, please do not forget to bring a water-cooler no smaller than 1 quart. While we only rehearse outside from 8-11:30, it is very hot! Water-coolers smaller than 1 quart will simply not do it! You will also need sunblock, tennis shoes, athletic socks, pencils, a 1-inch binder, your instrument, lunch money, or a sack lunch. Dress appropriately for school, but also the weather. It is hot outside!
I would ask that students also return the handbook agreement form, and the equipment contract, for those borrowing a school instrument.
Parents and students, please remember that any questions you may have regarding the Marching Tigers may be found at This includes performances, the evening team-building activities.
Please feel free to contact me should you have further questions. My phone number is (618) 393-2191 ext. 3157. I may also be reached at [email protected], or by messaging Remind101, if you setup an account.
It’s going to be a great season!