The beginning of the 2020 marching band season is only a few days away! If you haven’t already, please make sure to review detail pertaining to the 2020 season by visiting There is a wealth of information on the website, including the COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Plan for the Marching Tigers.
Students, our first meeting is this Friday, July 24th at the Richland County Middle School. We will meet along the sidewalk that runs behind the RCHS band room. Please do not walk through the building. Instead, from the parking lot, walk around the middle school to the back of the building. Meeting outside allows for maximum air dispersion, and social distancing between staff and students. That being said, students will still need a face mask.
I don’t expect students to be on campus longer than an hour. Parents & guardians, you may join us, but you are not required to do so. Leadership, you will report with your sections.
Brass & woodwind players, please email me, or message me on Remind, should you need a school instrument this season. Your instrument will be disinfected and ready for pick-up on Friday. If you would like to use the same instrument that you used during the 2019 season, message me the case number as well. My email address is [email protected].
The purpose of meeting with students this Friday, July 24th is so that we may get the beginning-of-the-year logistics out of the way before our first rehearsal on Monday, July 27th. The Marching Tigers have been divided into groups (woodwinds, brass, drumline & color guard, and the front ensemble), and even further into “pods”. There are nine or less students in every pod. I shall meet with each pod at designated times this Friday. Please let me know if you are unable to join us during your designated time. You will be reschedule for a later time. You may find your pod, as well as your scheduled time, by visiting the link that I shared in the first paragraph of this letter.
During the course of each pod’s meeting on Friday, July 24th, students will…
- discuss the 2020 marching band season (camps, rehearsals, & performances)
- discuss the COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Plan for the Marching Tigers
- meet their section leader
- sign-out a guard bag with flags (color guard only)
- sign-out a school instrument (if needed)
- sign-out mallets (front ensemble only)
- sign-out a flip folder and lyre
- sign-out a tuner (winds only)
- purchase reeds (if needed - students may purchase reeds directly from a music store or another vendor)
- pick-up sheet music (if you have not already printed a copy
- pick-up the “Inside the Circle” book (if you have not already printed a copy)
- pick-up the RCHS Bands Handbook & Handbook Agreement Form
- pick-up a parent volunteer letter
- update CutTime (
- scan parent’s insurance card (please bring with you this Friday)
- register for SmartMusic
- register for Remind101
- submit department clothing orders (if needed)
I look forward to seeing you all! As always, please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. - Mr. Jones