SEPTEMBER 6, 2024..........(8th Grade Band Night) Mattoon vs. Richland County Home Varsity Football Game (RCHS stadium)
Updated 9/4/24 at 10:40 a.m
TUESDAY (9/3): Rehearse the memorized warm-ups, the Star-Spangled Banner, On Wisconsin, time-out tunes, Los Dos Bandidos, Wanted Dead or Alive, & Silverado. <GOAL MOSTLY MET>
WEDNESDAY (9/4): Review/Clean sets 1-28A (with instruments). Discuss how to get on, and off the field. <GOAL MOSTLY MET>
THURSDAY (9/5): Rehearse memorized warm-ups, Los Dos Bandidos, Wanted Dead or Alive, & Silverado. Review sets 28A-34A. Clean sets 1-28A
Drumline is with Mr. Vaal from 7:00-7:59 a.m. on Tuesday. Colorguard is with Carly Zuber at 8 a.m. If you have musician earplugs, I recommend wearing them for this rehearsal. No music and tuners outside, please (except for Alex and Hadley). Colorguard need not report until 8 a.m.
FRIDAY (9/6): Review sets 28A-34A. Learn sets 34A-36 (no instruments). Run sets 1-28A (with instruments) in the stadium
WEDNESDAY (9/4): Review/Clean sets 1-28A (with instruments). Discuss how to get on, and off the field. <GOAL MOSTLY MET>
THURSDAY (9/5): Rehearse memorized warm-ups, Los Dos Bandidos, Wanted Dead or Alive, & Silverado. Review sets 28A-34A. Clean sets 1-28A
- 7:00-7:39...............................Winds and drumline only (no colorguard) in your chairs in the band room. You need your tuners, Inside the Circle book, and show music. Our primary focus is Silverado.
- 7:40-7:44...............................Put away tuners, and music, before making your way (carefully avoiding buses) to the grass on the circle drive.
- 7:45-7:59...............................Rehearse Full Volume, Los Dos Bandidos, & Wanted Dead or Alive in a circle.
- 8:00-8:04...............................Colorguard joins the band. Parade Block B to the practice field. No tuners or music.
- 8:05-8:29................................Review sets 28A-34A (no instruments)
- 8:30-9:04................................Review sets 1-28A (with instruments)
- 9:05-9:09.................................March in Parade Block B back to the school
- 9:10-9:15..................................Stow instruments, guard equipment, drill charts, coordinates, lanyards, water bottles, Drillmasters, Crossovers, and/or StylePLUS shoes.
- 6:00-8:00................................Colorguard only evening rehearsal. The colorguard is exempt from 7:00-7:59 rehearsals on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Drumline is with Mr. Vaal from 7:00-7:59 a.m. on Tuesday. Colorguard is with Carly Zuber at 8 a.m. If you have musician earplugs, I recommend wearing them for this rehearsal. No music and tuners outside, please (except for Alex and Hadley). Colorguard need not report until 8 a.m.
FRIDAY (9/6): Review sets 28A-34A. Learn sets 34A-36 (no instruments). Run sets 1-28A (with instruments) in the stadium
- 7:00-7:19...............................Winds, drumline, and colorguard march in Parade Block A to the stadium, stretch, and run a lap.
- 7:20-7:59................................Review sets 28C-34A. Learn sets 34A-36 (without instruments).
- 8:00-8:29................................Run sets 15A-28A (with instruments)
- 8:30-8:49................................Run sets 1-15A (with instruments)
- 8:50-9:04................................Run sets 1-28A (with instruments)
- 9:05-9:09.................................March in Parade Block A back to the school
- 9:10-9:15..................................Stow instruments, guard equipment, drill charts, coordinates, lanyards, water bottles, Drillmasters, Crossovers, and/or StylePLUS shoes.
- ILMEA LESSONS: Those of you auditioning for an ILMEA ensemble (jazz band, concert band, or orchestra), please select a 30 minute time once a week for a lesson. Lessons begin the week of Labor Day. Log into your RCCU1 account on your browser, and then click HERE.
- CLICK TRACK: The third movement click track is in! Go to "STUDENT RESOURCES" then "SHEET MUSIC" followed by "2024 SHOW MUSIC AND DRILL" to find the recording.
- LUNCH: The music department is open for lunch this week.
- Welcome Committee: Hadley Heath, Carly Houchin, Lila Balding, and Evey Mason. Please see me when you have a moment.
- Assignment #2: Winds and percussion, write in sets 28A-43A onto your sheet music for Silverado. This is due on Tuesday at 7 a.m. Colorguard, you are being graded on the guard work for On Wisconsin by Ms. Bogard on Thursday night.
- Richland County vs. Mattoon Home Game: This game is scheduled for this Friday, September 6th. The band invites St. Joe and RCMS 8th Grade Band students to join us on this game! Click HERE for more details.
- Jasper County Fall Festival Parade & the Sage City Invitational: The band performs at two venues on Saturday, September 14th. Click HERE for more details. This is an extremely long day! Students, you are more than welcome to sign out with a parent after performing. Please review the RCHS Bands Handbook for more details by going to STUDENT RESOURCES, followed by clicking on SYLLABI AND HANDBOOK.
- Jazz = Lila Balding, Ethan Zuber, Callista Ridgely, Addison Ridgely, Jereme Higginbotham, Maddison Syers, & Camden Poland
- Band = Ethan Zuber, Alex Schneider, Lila Balding, Ethan Zuber, Callista Ridgely, Hadley Heath, & Maddison Syers
- Orchestra = Jereme Higginbotham
- ILMEA JAZZ RESOURCES: Clicking HERE, and scrolling down until you find the DISTRICT 5 (under the A column) row.
- ILMEA BAND/ORCHESTRA RESOURCES: Music may be found under "Student Resources" and "Sheet Music"
- ILMEA AUDITION PREP CLINIC: Those of you auditioning for ILMEA may participate in the ILMEA Audition Prep Clinic on the campus of Eastern Illinois University. We leave at 10 a.m. and we return to Olney at approximately 5 p.m. We will stop for lunch in Charleston. Transportation is provided by the school district. If you are interested, please message Mr. Jones via the RCCU1 app, or by emailing him at [email protected]. Students are also required to register for the event. Click HERE for details on how to register.
- Lesson times coming soon...
- 2024 RCHS Bands Mattress Fundraiser: The mattress fundraiser informational meeting is on Tuesday, October 1 at 6 p.m. in the RCPAC. The fundraiser is in the auxiliary gym on Saturday, October 19th from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Click HERE for more details. This fundraiser is essential to help offset costs for the marching band, and for the winter guard.
- RCHS Marching Tigers Drumline Fundraiser: Friday, September 20th from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the RCHS circle drive. There will be a bake sale and t-shirt orders taken that night as well.
- Just a reminder that doors are unlocked at the following times for weekday rehearsals:
- Band Room glass doors = 6:45 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
- Main Entrance (student parking) = 6:50 a.m. until 6:58 a.m.
- We have 3 birthday shout outs to throw today. We hope that Athena Spieth, Brody Thor, and Jonathon Inskeep have truly awesome birthdays today. We also want to recognize August Michels, Eliza Weitkamp, McKenna Snider, Rex Hallum, and Reyce Peterson for their birthdays tomorrow. We will not have AM Announcements tomorrow due to the vaping presentation. Weekend birthdays consist of Jaren Wilson, Tyler Musser, Jackson Williams, and Mason Brown
- There will be an informational meeting for the newly selected juniors for the CEO Class of 2025 today during OTA. Please report to the PAC immediately after you check-in with your OTA teacher after announcements.
- There is an FFA meeting in the PAC during OTE today.
- Students will be released at 9:00 AM tomorrow to go to their OTA classes for a vaping presentation. Freshmen, you will be accompanied by your teachers to the PAC for the presentation. All other OTA classes will view it from their rooms. A link will be provided.
- The FBLA tie dye social will be this evening at 6:00 PM in the commons.
- There will be a year 2 Ambassador meeting today in Coach Wheeler's classroom during lunch. Pizza and water will be provided.
- Seniors, your graduation announcements have arrived early. There will be a booth set up by the office hallway tomorrow shortly before lunch so you can pick them up. Teachers, if you have seniors in your 3rd block, you can release them a little early for their announcements. We will try to have a representative here by noon.
- A little reminder from the library - All RCHS Library books are due on Monday, May 6th. Please search for those overdue books and get them turned in to avoid late fees.
- Tiger shout outs go to our Lady Tiger Softball squad as they took down Mt. Carmel Tuesday night 13 to 10. Rylee Bloomer had 4 hits. Sister Taylor had 3 hits and 2 runs batted in. Rylee Bloomer had 2 stolen bases and Miranda Dowty had 1 as well. Kaiya Seessengood recorded the win from the pitcher's mound.
- Tiger pats on the back go to our Tiger Tennis team on their win Tuesday night against Effingham 8 to 1. Singles winners consisted of Aidan Weidner, Marcus Kocher, Carter Seaman, Isaac Klingler, Aaron Klingler, and AJ Padilla. Doubles winners were Marcus Kocher and Carter Seaman, and the Klingler brothers.
- Tiger roars go to our Lady Tiger Soccer squad as they took down Salem last night in the cold, soppin’ wet weather last night 2 to 1. Goals were scored by Abi Mitchell and Kara Sager. Abi Mitchell and Kara Mitchell had the assists in the effort.
- Tiger good luck wishes go out to OTN Today / weather permitting:
- Tiger tennis will lock paws with Mt. Carmel and Fairfield right here in our backyard at 3:30 PM. Our Tiger Baseball and Softball squads are scheduled to battle Lawrenceville in our backyard as well. The first pitches are slated for 4:30 PM.
- Tiger tennis will lock paws with Mt. Carmel and Fairfield right here in our backyard at 3:30 PM. Our Tiger Baseball and Softball squads are scheduled to battle Lawrenceville in our backyard as well. The first pitches are slated for 4:30 PM.
Since we missed announcements yesterday we have some words of wisdom for you all: Instead of focusing on your problems, focus on your purpose. Instead of seeing yourself as a victim, see yourself as a hero. Heroes and victims both get knocked down but heroes get back up, and armed with optimism and a greater purpose they create a positive future.