As you all know, it has rained, and will continue to rain, all day today. Fortunately, it looks like we will have a break from the rain during the game.
That being said, forecasting the weather is not an exact science. I would encourage you to layer clothes under your uniform. You can not wear a jacket under your marching band jacket, but you can swear sweaters, sweat shirts without hoods, etc. Here is the plan in the event of inclement weather:
1) No props or plooms. Since it is Homecoming, we will also not wear the shakos. Sousaphones may wear the ball caps, provided it is given time to dry out before tomorrow.
2) Sprinkles (light rain) - the band stays outside. Alumni are welcome to stay with the band or take a break in the rehearsal hall.
3) Rain - the band will go inside and waits out the storm.
4) Persistent rain - I will send the band home if it is clear the storm will not let up by 3rd period.
5) The band will stay until the end of the game to support the team, unless Mr. Jones dismisses the band because of bullet #4. Remember, we are there to support our team!
6) Muddy field (more than just a few spots) - the band will park-and-play the half time show. I can not yet guarantee that we will march the show. If you have friends and family that are attending tonight's performance, Tuesday may be a better time to watch the band. The weather looks pleasant and dry that day! Tuesday is the last day the 2019 show will be performed.
7) The sound system will be used. We will protect the equipment from the elements using tents.
8) Game postponed to Saturday - the band has a competition Saturday in Lebanon, IL. We will not be able to participate on a Saturday game. However, I will postpone the band alumni game until October 25th.
I postponed the call time for alumni to 6:30 PM tonight. Alumni should report to the rehearsal hall (room 137). Should the forecast shift, and it is apparent that we should expect rain for the majority of the game, I will notify alumni at 6 PM.
Hopefully the weather will cooperate! I hope to see you all soon.